Wednesday, July 30, 2014

EVO Art Show 2014

The Inaugural EVO Art Show was a huge success and so much fun!  I am proud to say that everyone I came into contact with really enjoyed the show and had a lot of positive things to say about all the art work.  Thank you again and again to all the artists that participated.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.  Everyone did an amazing job creating some really fun visuals.  Thank you to my team that helped me run the show, I couldn't of done it without you guys.  That team consisted of Elsa Lu, Jared Wong, Tim Ng, Alan Ning, Anthony Ly, Chris Hollosy, Nicole Thrakulchavee, and Guang Yang.  The EVO board has invited me back to curate the show again next year and I can't wait to see how much more we can try and raise the bar!  In case you missed out, check out the pictures below!
Pieces Arrive!
E.Honda holds my business cards from the EVO 2014 Art Show

"Never Trust A BIG BUTT AND A SMILE" by Tyree 'Ree' Dillhay @sneadsbyree 
"Blanka's Aftermath" by Alex "Playful Gorilla" Rivera- $250
"Player Select" by Robert Chavez- @nerdychavez $500 (Pic 1 of 2)
"Player Select" by Robert Chavez- @nerdychavez $500 (Pic 2 of 2)

"SMASH BROTHERHOOD" by Jango Snow- $50
"Box Logo" by Kidokyo- $65
"Street Fighter VANS" by Chalome Gonzalez- @chalomita $150
"SF - Color Theory" by Ray Leoncio- @ideton8i $100
"Like a Boss" by Chito "KWESTONE" Arellano- www.kwestone.blogspot,com $150
"Street Fighter II Turbo" by Miguel Wilson- $300
"DARKSTALKERS CEREAL" by Michael Pasquale- $500
"Ryu Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse" by Tracy Tubera- $250
"Wearing My New Fish Nets" by Varinya Nunez- $269
"Smashless Victory" by Angela Song- $250
"Cup of EVO" by Jerome Lu- $50
"Chun Li" by Mark Hammermeister- $80
 "Ken Masters" by May Thamtarana- $300
"Chun Li" by Jose Marrero- $200
"Juri Han" by Edwin Huang- $300
"Chun-Licious" by Ryan Hungerford- $100
"Flame Charmer" by- Paul Wilson @iamwheatking $600
Jared Wong, myself, and Elsa Lu
Myself with Edwin Huang.

Good Times!

This gentleman bought my Street Fighter II TURBO piece!

Tim Ng, myself, and Elsa Lu

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Migs Series 1 Sticker Pack

I have had a blast putting together my new sticker packs. This pack includes some of my latest character designs and also a bonus sticker of my logo. Check out the pics below for a more in depth look of what it all entails. Email me if interested! Pack includes Daft Punk, Iron Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson's Thriller Werewolf, Nacho Libre, and my logo. Total of 6 stickers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Daft Punk Grammy Outfits

After seeing all the awesome success of Daft Punk at the Grammy's this year, I decided to revist my Daft Punk illustration and give them their Grammy outfits!